They came out a couple of months ago and I have seen them circulating the web on various message boards as well as on eBay, which is pretty cool. The ones on eBay are not being sold by me but I did receive 5 blank cards of the set for me to draw new ones. So keep an eye out for when they're available; I'll be posting them on here pretty soon.
And as an added bonus, it introduced me to the awesomeness that are Copic Sketch Markers. I never really cared for markers as a medium before but figured they would be the most convenient option for this project. My wife told me about Copics since she's used them before, so I got a set and, man, they are nice. The colors are very vibrant and blend incredibly well, unlike other markers I've used in the past. They actually almost have a watercolor type quality to them. If you haven't used them before I highly recommend trying them out.
And as another added bonus, this marks the first time I got to draw Superman professionally, (and some other characters you may have heard of) which is pretty sweet. It was a great project to work on and I would love to do more of these in the future.
Love them! All 250! I gotta save my money, maybe I can buy one of your originals. ;)
Tom, these are really awesome. I never really thought about it before, but you are so perfect for the DC universe. Just look at those guys, so many of them are smiling ear to ear! I think the Flash-running-foward-full-body may be my favorite, but I also love the weight and shape you give to Batman's cape, it reminds me of Alex Ross, but you pulled it off with such simple shapes. These are all so fun and bright. Great Job.
Thanks, for the great comments guys! I'm glad you liked them so much.
Jon, I really did try to go for a more light hearted approach for most of these characters since they're portrayed as dark and gritty so often. I was just trying to get their personalities to show through a bit. And drawing Batman's cape is always crazy fun. Thanks again!
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